Sean Johnson
Sean Johnson

Lefebvre Warns the SSPX

Two months before his death: “It is, therefore, a strict duty for every priest wanting to remain Catholic to separate himself from this Conciliar Church for as long as it does not rediscover the …More
Two months before his death:
“It is, therefore, a strict duty for every priest wanting to remain Catholic to separate himself from this Conciliar Church for as long as it does not rediscover the tradition of the Church and of the Catholic Faith.”
(Abp. Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey, p. 13)
Denis Efimov
"to accept what is being proposed to us". And what was new that was proposed to Bp. Fellay that was not proposed or that was not analyzed by Abp. …More
"to accept what is being proposed to us".
And what was new that was proposed to Bp. Fellay that was not proposed or that was not analyzed by Abp. Lefebvre?
Sean Johnson
Yet +Fellay declared precisely the opposite to the other 3 SSPX bishops in 2012, who had begged him to heed Lefebvre’s wisdom: “And when we compare …More
Yet +Fellay declared precisely the opposite to the other 3 SSPX bishops in 2012, who had begged him to heed Lefebvre’s wisdom:
And when we compare the arguments that Archbishop Lefebvre made at the time, we conclude that he would not have hesitated to accept what is being proposed to us.”
Uh, what??
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Remembering the scamdemic craziness
SSPX, quo vadis?
Sean Johnson
Video on the SSPX’s abandonment of Archbishop Lefebvre in favor of a practical accord with unconverted Rome.
Is this Operation Suicide?

Is This Operation Suicide?

Archbishop Lefebvre said the following words on 6 September 1990[1]: Archbishop Lefebvre said the following words in July or August 1989[2]: Archbishop Lefebvre said the …
Denis Efimov
Archbishop Lefebvre did very well when he refused the agreement. "For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light …More
Archbishop Lefebvre did very well when he refused the agreement.
"For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?" (2 Cor. 6, 14-15).
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Ethnically cleansed, racist Israel doesn’t want blacks either.
Immigration is only for the Goyim!

Israel PM: illegal African immigrants threaten identity of Jewish state

The Israeli prime minister has stoked a volatile debate about refugees and migrant workers from Africa, warning that "illegal …
I don’t want immigrants changing the UK. Why shouldn’t the Jews be allowed the same? But, for your information, there are muslims and Christians living …More
I don’t want immigrants changing the UK. Why shouldn’t the Jews be allowed the same? But, for your information, there are muslims and Christians living in Israel.
Pius XII Suppresses the Vigil of Pentecost

The Suppression of the Ancient Baptismal Vigil of Pentecost

The Mass for the Vigil of Pentecost is a unique case. There are now four texts to choose from for the first reading, all Old Testament readings …
+Vigano sermon on the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven

Sic veniet

Sic veniet Sic veniet Homily on the Ascension of the Lord Mt 10:36 Too often, we look at this world with the attitude and hopes of those who consider it a place of permanence rather than a …
Americans love abortion food, whether they know it or not.
9 pages
Traditional Catholic family flees America to be free in Russia
Oops! The learning of Russian is not going well for the children. How do you say I want? Я хошу (instead of я хочу).More
Oops! The learning of Russian is not going well for the children.
How do you say I want? Я хошу (instead of я хочу).
Credo .
Perhaps they should have just moved to Kansas? 😉
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Happy Feast of St. Athanasius!

Letter of St. Athanasius

Saint Athanasius lived in the fourth century during the time of what used to be considered the greatest crisis of faith ever to befall the Catholic Church, the The famous convert …
Sean Johnson
This link contains lists of former SSPX priests (about 50) who were expelled or resigned for refusal to go along with the Society’s rapprochement with …More
This link contains lists of former SSPX priests (about 50) who were expelled or resigned for refusal to go along with the Society’s rapprochement with modernist Rome:
Fidélité catholique francophone :: Les prêtres qui ont quitté ou ont été expulsés à cause du ralliement
Sean Johnson
The example of St. Athanasius reminds me of all the priests and faithful expelled from the SSPX, and relegated to hotel, basement, and garage chapels …More
The example of St. Athanasius reminds me of all the priests and faithful expelled from the SSPX, and relegated to hotel, basement, and garage chapels for refusing to go along with the changes inside the SSPX as it is prepared for assimilation into the conciliar church. They have the chapels, but we have the faith, and it is we who carry on the legacy of Archbishop Lefebvre (the “NWO-Athanasius”).
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"We received a tip that the reason for the light sentence is because Rostand has agreed to name other predator priests in the SSPX. This is yet to be confirmed."
SSPX priest writes to +Williamson about +Huonder.


ELEISON COMMENTS DCCCLXXIV (April 13, 2024) : Last autumn I received the following letter, only slightly shortened below, from a former colleague, still a priest of the SSPX (perhaps …
no wonder why the CIA sponsored Opus Dei bishop attended his funeral. SSPX has been fooled book of Daniel been fulfilled St Micheal pray for us
Analysis of Bishop (?) Hounder’s involvement in the SSPX. English translation below.


Non Possumus habría querido no decir nada en relación con la muerte del obispo (?) Huonder (de cuya alma Dios tenga misericordia), pero nos hemos …
Sean Johnson
Fr. Chazal comments (on the MCSPX Facebook page): “ This Huonder thing is clearly a divine statement, and now he is dead... Cancer of Pancreas, is like …More
Fr. Chazal comments (on the MCSPX Facebook page):
“ This Huonder thing is clearly a divine statement, and now he is dead... Cancer of Pancreas, is like the lightning of cancers, short notice, and death within a week. The timing couldn't be better and more related with the deception of last year (Remember, they were hiding the identity of the celebrant at first): he goes to the hospital just before the Chrismal Mass, and now the german priests, who could not call a replacement bishop at the last minute, have to beg valid Holy Oils from other districts, while unable to send confreres abroad, in Asia in particular, to spread huonderful oils.
Looks like the Heavens agree with the position of Archbishop Lefebvre, and this is a sign that God still cares about sspx people, let aside the sspx management, which is quite pitiful in those days of strife and mediocrity. Whether the sspx is going to make use of the warning is an entirely other piece of cake... almost a pie in the sky, shining high …More
Sean Johnson
“ Non Possumus would have liked to say nothing about the death of Bishop (?) Huonder (may God have mercy on his soul), but we felt the need to fulfill …More
“ Non Possumus would have liked to say nothing about the death of Bishop (?) Huonder (may God have mercy on his soul), but we felt the need to fulfill, also on this occasion, the essential duty of this blog: the denunciation of the progressive betrayal of the authorities of the Fraternity in the struggle of Monsignor Lefebvre.
We would like to draw the attention of the readers to some facts that, on the occasion of this death, demonstrate once again that the Neo-FSSPX persists in its plans to be canonically recognized by liberal, modernist and apostate Rome, and integrated into the official conciliar structure.
A SAJM priest in Europe has confirmed to us that the Fraternity had arranged for Bishop (?) Huonder to celebrate the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday, as happened last year. Readers may recall that the FSSPX initially wanted to conceal the identity of the celebrating bishop, but that attempt turned out to be so ridiculous and embarrassing that the Fraternity had to backtrack.
On March …More
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First thoughts which come to mind: 1) Thanks Donald: Father of the clotshot, which he still pimps, but will not take himself. 2) These numbers will be artificially low, since they don’t include those …More
First thoughts which come to mind: 1) Thanks Donald: Father of the clotshot, which he still pimps, but will not take himself. 2) These numbers will be artificially low, since they don’t include those who haven’t reported adverse effects, and neither do they count those who died from the abortion vax, who can’t report that they are dead. 3) The SSPX says the abortion vax is morally licit. Supposing for the sake of argument that their position regarding remote material cooperation in evil could be sustained in itself (is it really only remote and material?), and that the conditions enumerated in Rome’s Dignitas Personae for the use of such “vaccines” were present (even though they clearly are not), how could the abortion clotshot be considered morally licit in light of the prevalence of such a high number of maiming and deaths? Can someone explain to me why drag racing and skydiving are considered grave matter, because of the risk of injury or death, but the experimental gene serum is not?

CDC discloses 780,000 new reports of serious side effects after COVID-19 vaccination - LifeSite

Fri Apr 5, 2024 - 6:20 pm EDT (LifeSiteNews) – This week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …
Dr Bobus
Yes, it is really remote and material cooperatioon.
John A Cassani
Was it the moral theologians who got the NHRA to shorten races from the classic quarter mile to just 1000 feet? But, seriously, your points about Trump …More
Was it the moral theologians who got the NHRA to shorten races from the classic quarter mile to just 1000 feet? But, seriously, your points about Trump, as well as anyone in the Church trying to convince anyone that there was anything good about the shots are spot on.
Sean Johnson

+Huondor in Final Agony

Last year, the SSPX caused tremendous scandal in its pursuit of a practical accord with modernist Rome, when it requested the retired conciliar +Vitus Huonder to “consecrate” (?) holy oils for SSPX …More
Last year, the SSPX caused tremendous scandal in its pursuit of a practical accord with modernist Rome, when it requested the retired conciliar +Vitus Huonder to “consecrate” (?) holy oils for SSPX use at the chrism Mass (the issue being that +Huonder, himself was consecrated with the slightly doubtful 1968 new rite of episcopal consecration, thereby casting a slight shadow over the validity of the oils consecrated), causing some of the German and French SSPX Nicodemus’s to obtain certainly valid holy oils from +Faure of the Resistance.
The SSPX has thereby begun preparing the terrain for eventual incorporation into the pluralist conciliar pantheon by acclimating its faithful to collaborating with questionably valid conciliar clergy (eg., In addition to using +Huonder for Masses, confessions, and holy oils in Europe, it also staffs some of its African chapels with priests of the Institute of Christ the King).
Now this news breaks:
“Bishop Vitus Huonder was again to have consecrated the …More
Sean Johnson
Pre-Pius XII fully traditional Holy Saturday morning vigil (Blessing of the fire, blessing of Paschal candle, Exultet, pontifical Mass). Started at 7am, ended at noon, at which point Lent is ended. This …More
Pre-Pius XII fully traditional Holy Saturday morning vigil (Blessing of the fire, blessing of Paschal candle, Exultet, pontifical Mass).
Started at 7am, ended at noon, at which point Lent is ended.
This was recorded last year (or you can watch livestream Saturday morning at
+Vigano Holy Thursday sermon, condemning the modern day conciliar priests of Baal.

Januis clausis

Et ego dispono vobis sicut disposuit mihi Pater meus regnum. I am preparing for you a kingdom, as the Father has prepared it for me. Lk 22: 29 The solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday introduces …
Fully Traditional (Pre-Pius XII Revisions) Good Friday “Mass of the Presanctified” -Part I of 3. This YouTube channel also contains Parts 2-3. Notice among the legion of differences between this fully …More
Fully Traditional (Pre-Pius XII Revisions) Good Friday “Mass of the Presanctified” -Part I of 3.
This YouTube channel also contains Parts 2-3.
Notice among the legion of differences between this fully traditional rite vs that invented by Bugnini/Pius XII from 1951-1956, that there is no Communion for the faithful in Good Friday. The folded chasubles and broadstoles have disappeared in the semi-modernist changes of Pius XII’s experimental rite of 1956, a host of prayers and rubrics have been scrapped or changed for ecumenical reasons (genuflecting at the prayer for the Jews).
Blessed to have the pre-55 rite still available here.
Ann Smith
It will return one day as of old.
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Pius XII’s Novus Ordo (Experimental Modernist Holy Week Changes)

1951-1955: The Vatican Started the Liturgical Reform - Dialogue Mass XIV - Dr Carol Byrne

Before dealing with the actual changes to the Holy Week liturgy in 1955 under Pius XII, which were many and …
Yes sad to say that Pius XII allowed this heretic (Bugnini) to sabatoge the liturgy. Even the modernist John XXIII got rid of him, but then it was too …More
Yes sad to say that Pius XII allowed this heretic (Bugnini) to sabatoge the liturgy. Even the modernist John XXIII got rid of him, but then it was too late. Some say Pius XII was very sick during this time, however his Cardinals should have put a stop to this.
Sean Johnson
Important to realize, however, that the mutilated modernist Holy Week changes were not the first measures implemented with a view toward the Novus Ordo …More
Important to realize, however, that the mutilated modernist Holy Week changes were not the first measures implemented with a view toward the Novus Ordo Missae. That dubious honor goes to the dialogue Mass, which was the first preparation under Benedict XV and Pius XI.