
Colonel Pedro Baños A slightly deeper explanation of why we don't like the electric vehicle is not …

Petro dollar been controlling you since Richard Nixon
A least can charge a vehicle independent of a gas station
Solar energy is free

Pro-Vaccine Doctor Comes Clean: “We Were Fooled – the Vaccines Are Poison”

Lipid nano particles is the key used to penetrate the cell with any package of mrna .With out it nothing works so you have no hope in hell of avoiding their attack plant this weapon in mosquito game over


This guy is a first class disinformation con artist who in the end want to sell you his one of a kind bs food supplements

The Canadian Independent @canindependent MUST WATCH: Explosive findings have been revealed in a recent …

Evil diabolical prince of this world has duty to punish the ungodly
Reject the holy sacrifice of the mass what do you expect
Welcome to the kingdom of Satan thanks to modernism of Vatican II
Which give you a McDonald happy meal instead the holy sacrifice
Gentiles are finished

This priest is very solid and he explains why Pope Francis has surrounded himself with the homosexual …

JPII promoted the legion of Christ allowed the Jesuit to run wild etc etc took the name of two bad popes one known homosexual . Error of Russia I believe was JPII

Exposing the SATANIC Infiltration of Our Church! With Dr. Janet Smith

She so wrong about JPII the greatest imposter of all antipopes .Goes to show you a women do not have he right to teach Priest their to gullible

Next Stage: Tucho "Allows" Homosexual Pseudo-Marriages

Vatican II folks brought this about its like the destruction of the Jewish temple . .modernism destroyed the Catholic church time of the gentiles is at an end .It time for the Jews to come home The next Peter will be Jewish like the first

France: Bergoglio Begins Persecution of Next Good Bishop

All Vatican II clergy need to rethink the validity of their ordination You really think the new mass is valid the time of the gentiles has come to a end you are like the Pharisees of old after the destruction of the temple. Vatican II removed Peter from his seat it destroyed Rome . Enoch and Elijah about convert jews the gentiles are about to go the way of first century jews

The Feast of Corpus Christi and the Angel of Portugal | The Fatima Center

Greatest antipope of all time practicing homosexual anti pope Paul VI supplanted the holy sacrifice of the mass with the novus odor mass with its false bishops and priest hood by their fruits you know them

Bill Gates Caught Telling Inner Circle 'Global Famine' Will Make Elites 'God-Like'

Billions billions of souls going to hell because they have no true church . Sad to say salvation depends on the true Catholic Church which their is no salvation outside of .
Cry tears of blood because faith in the Catholic sacraments
Is the narrow road they been removed from mankind by the apostate church.

Just in time for Eucharistic Revival, Jesus is on the big screen

Fake mass fake priest fake bishops fake pope welcome to the great apostasy thanks to Vatican II . 1960 the year all hell broke lose . Reverse engineer 200 years of modernism the pigs get their way

WATCH: Fr. Gene Gomulka – How Deep Does the Corruption Go?

St Damian book Gomorrah must read

WATCH: Fr. Gene Gomulka – How Deep Does the Corruption Go?

With recent scandal in SSPX no community is immune ,those who new the third secret were shocked at its contents I think we are just starting to see what they know.

Philosopher Aldous Huxley warned that pleasure would enslave mankind He said, “most men and women …

Porn is opiate E Michael Jones annoying but he is right

Corpus Christi Procession with Pope Pius XI in St. Peter's Square, May 31, 1934

Seeds of Vatican II lurks in their mist They embraced modernism they were not deceived. Pope St Plus X warned them

E. Michael Jones on Satanism as America's Hidden Grammar

And I did it my way

Viganò Accuses Francis of ‘The Same Abuses’ as Cardinal McCarrick

Time will tell if a man who was the founder of Legion of Christ can be so demonic nothing off table.

U.S. pro-life leader Abby Johnson roasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the National March for Life …

Sorry to say you never end abortion in a democracy that called original sin . Democracy has no room for Christ the King

Vatican World Children's Day with Drag Artist for Kids - Catholics have expressed horror after a male …

So when the Russian army come marching across Europe this going to stop them 🤪 🤪