April 8: The Occult and the Prophetic Converge! LIVE w/ Xavier Ayral & Dr Peter Howard All you need to know about the prophetic significance of the April 8 eclipse. Our host Monique T will be joined …More
April 8: The Occult and the Prophetic Converge! LIVE w/ Xavier Ayral & Dr Peter Howard
All you need to know about the prophetic significance of the April 8 eclipse. Our host Monique T will be joined with Xavier Ayral and Dr Peter Howard to discuss the prophetic signs related to the eclipse along with its relation to the occult and the prophetic convergence.
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English Catholic
@victimsoul Spot on. Absolutely spot on. "April 8: The Occult and the Prophetic Converge!" Give me a break. These 'experts' are not experts at all. They are dangerous narcissists who make money selling books (like Xavier Reyes-Ayral, who sells his book for over Β£20, promoting genuine, dubious and patently false apparitions) or monetising video channels. Ignore them.
Who really are these so called experts? What qualifies someone to be a convincing and authentic witness of Christ today in the world? Answer: a YouTube channel, a website and maybe even a book publishing deal...
Patricia McKeever
@Servant Of Divine Mercy - what a load of tosh. Monday is the transferred Feast of the Annunciation - please honour that and forget this superstitious baloney.
Credo .