Live Mike

Russia executes bold maneuvers with 11 nuclear subs in the Atlantic

Russia executes bold maneuvers with 11 nuclear subs in the Atlantic With increasing audacity, Russia is making its presence felt in …
Yes and each one armed with nuclear missles. Keep poking the bear and see what happens. Tell Ukrainne and Zelensky to pound sand.
English Catholic
@Scapular How many more times? Divine Will: Nihil Obstat Not Granted, Luisa's Cause Suspended, Theological, Christological, and Anthropological …More
@Scapular How many more times? Divine Will: Nihil Obstat Not Granted, Luisa's Cause Suspended, Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties.
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Egon Spengler's Important Safety Tip of the Day
Is Gates Foundation funded Apeel Safe?

Is Apeel Safe? 3 Things You Need to Know — Saint John's Organic Farm

Have you heard of the controversial “edible coating” Apeel? It’s a film that goes on produce to make it last longer, and it’s been …
English Catholic
Does anyone know if 'Apeel' goes under another name in the UK? Why can't this lunatic leave our food alone?
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Live Mike
Language Alert: British MP Andrew Bridgen confirming on a radio show yesterday... "We are actually at war with Russia now... They're not going to tell the people probably until July or August; maybe …More
Language Alert: British MP Andrew Bridgen confirming on a radio show yesterday... "We are actually at war with Russia now... They're not going to tell the people probably until July or August; maybe later."
Maria delos Angeles
It is a total uniparty system in the UK. Pray God will expose those in parliament who have been bought out by Bill G et al. It is quite obvious Rishi …More
It is a total uniparty system in the UK. Pray God will expose those in parliament who have been bought out by Bill G et al. It is quite obvious Rishi wants out
chris griffin
The USA has given Ukraine billions of dollars to fight Russa, so in a very real sense we are a war with Russa also.
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I like these open ended prophecies that never come to fruition .meanwhile JPII planted weeds of destruction we are seeing today so many drinking JPII …More
I like these open ended prophecies that never come to fruition .meanwhile JPII planted weeds of destruction we are seeing today so many drinking JPII kool-aid
Ivan Tomas
Thank you kindly both, my good gentleman. God bless you both for doing good works for the Truth. Nice to see you here my good comrade Mike. :-)More
Thank you kindly both, my good gentleman.
God bless you both for doing good works for the Truth.
Nice to see you here my good comrade Mike. :-)
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"Priests and pastors will stand condemned before God as the murderers of any souls lost through neglect or silence." - Pope St. Gregory the Great
It's beyond keeping silent it's active destruction
Boanerges Boanerges
Devil must hate this statement of this great saint
"The Hidden Part of Fatima" - Fr. David Nix, Padre Peregrino
I've never seen Padre Peregrino before. He was wonderful in his understanding and explanations! Thank you so much.
Truly, we will never know.
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Live Mike
Hidden Title: How to undermine the authority of Heavenly Messages transmitted to those with the grace of prophecy warning the faithful of problems within the visible institution of the Church up to the top

Norms for proceeding in the Discernment of alleged Supernatural Phenomena (17 May 2024)

[DE - EN - ES - FR - IT - PL - PT] DICASTERY FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH God is present and active in our …
"Pretending that we are dealing with vile merchants interested only in money and refusing to see the Satanic matrix of the globalist plan is an unforgivable mistake that none of us can make, if we really …More
"Pretending that we are dealing with vile merchants interested only in money and refusing to see the Satanic matrix of the globalist plan is an unforgivable mistake that none of us can make, if we really want to stop the threat looming over the whole of humanity."

Looking beyond

Looking beyond Looking beyond A “forensic” approach to the psychopandemic crime Statement for the Congress “Death denied” Auditorium Gavirate (Varese, Italy), May 10, 2024 One of the …

How much weight, Father, do you give to the entire Fatima revelations?

"I consider it to be the key event in the declining fortune of the Roman Catholic organization and the defining event for the near future of the Church in the next millennium, the third millennium. It's …More
"I consider it to be the key event in the declining fortune of the Roman Catholic organization and the defining event for the near future of the Church in the next millennium, the third millennium. It's the defining event." - Fr. Malachi Martin, reader of the Third Secret, advisor to the Pope
Father Karl A Claver
No Christian ever considered abortion as being widespread. The Anglicans with their Lamberth synod around 1915 or so opened the door for abortions.
chris griffin
Fatima never mentioned abortion. Too bad for the millions of unborn babies tortured and murdered.
Alone Bishop Gracida Actively Works towards the Removal of Francis

Alone Bishop Gracida openly proclaimed "Resist!" & Actively Works towards the Removal of Francis

We are in the greatest crisis in the history of the Church because leftist Francis and his inner circle,…
One of these is not like the others... Can you guess which one?
Ivan Tomas
The not Catholic one. Pachapapa.
Ann Smith
No need to guess
"Will Our Lady of Fatima be cancelled on May 17th by the very men she warned about?" - nonvenipacem

Will Our Lady of Fatima be cancelled on May 17th by the very men she warned about?

Will Our Lady of Fatima be cancelled on May 17th by the very men she warned about? Share this:FacebookX Related Saint …
Fatima been high jacked first that discussing new basilica and imposter sister Lucia. 1960 Vatican II church is not catholic wake up people with your …More
Fatima been high jacked first that discussing new basilica and imposter sister Lucia. 1960 Vatican II church is not catholic wake up people with your delusions. New mass new theology is not in continuity with sacred tradition. 🥺 🥺 🥺
Father Karl A Claver
Because Our Lady of Fatima has a feast day, and devotion to Her is universal, I doubt if the legitimacy of this most important apparition will ever be …More
Because Our Lady of Fatima has a feast day, and devotion to Her is universal, I doubt if the legitimacy of this most important apparition will ever be cancelled. It could unfortunately be downplayed, but never legally annulled.
12 more comments
"That is why I pray that every Christian be warned against the impending danger of the Jewish plot, so that the whole Christian World may rally under the banner of the Catholic Church, and thus be united …More
"That is why I pray that every Christian be warned against the impending danger of the Jewish plot, so that the whole Christian World may rally under the banner of the Catholic Church, and thus be united against our common, powerful foe." - "The Jewish Peril and The Catholic Church", The Catholic Gazette, London, February 1936
2 pages
Ann Smith
This looks interesting, will have to copy and read later.
Credo .
@Live Mike. In all your charity: Love your enemies: Do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you: ~ Matt.5.44. …More
@Live Mike. In all your charity: Love your enemies: Do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you: ~ Matt.5.44. Douay rheims: 🙏 🙏 🙏
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Live Mike
Go to Confession: If NATO Troops Enter Ukraine, SARMAT, YARS, & AVANGARD (Nukes) Will Hit NATO Decision-Making Centers - Russian State Controlled TV's Dmitry Kiselyov, 28 April 2024 Source | Original …More
Go to Confession: If NATO Troops Enter Ukraine, SARMAT, YARS, & AVANGARD (Nukes) Will Hit NATO Decision-Making Centers - Russian State Controlled TV's Dmitry Kiselyov, 28 April 2024
Source | Original Source: Россия-1 @51:22 and following
what ever happened to the 99 red balloons?
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This "prophetic stage"... The great apostasy begins at the top. Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of Antichrist. The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation?

Pope asks lay Catholics to prepare for synod's 'prophetic' stage

Pope Francis speaks to members of the Italian Catholic Action lay association gathered in St. Peter's Square during a meeting at the …
Billy F
Lord come to our assistance! Do not let them defile YOUR BRIDE any longer!!!
James Manning
Didn't he set yet another meeting for 2025? Welcome to the Perpetual Revolution, everyone.More
Didn't he set yet another meeting for 2025?
Welcome to the Perpetual Revolution, everyone.
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Live Mike

Did Pope John XXIII ignore Sacred Scripture and treat the messengers & prophecies of Fatima with contempt?

St. Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:20 - "Do not treat prophecies with contempt." or "Despise not prophecies." In other words, do not despise, scorn, spurn or reject the gifts of prophecy or …More
St. Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:20 - "Do not treat prophecies with contempt." or "Despise not prophecies." In other words, do not despise, scorn, spurn or reject the gifts of prophecy or prophecies [prophetic revelations, the inspired words of instruction or exhortation or warning].
Our Lady of Fatima was fully approved by both the local ordinary of the diocese and the Vatican long before Pope John XXIII in August of 1959 opened the envelopes and read the words Our Lady had spoken as a Secret to the little shepherd children of Fatima on 13 July 1917.
Nevertheless, on 11 October 1962 during his Opening Day Address of the Second Vatican Council in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope John XXIII declared, "We feel we must disagree with those prophets of doom, who are always forecasting disaster, as though the end of the world were at hand." - Solenne apertura del Concilio ecumenico Vaticano II (11 ottobre 1962) | Giovanni XXIII
According to Fr. Malachi Martin (reader of the Third Secret …More
All the post conciliar popes ignored Our Lady's request for the consecration of Russia
All Saints
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Live Mike shares from
In a homily at San Sebastian Cathedral, Archbishop Ramon Cabrera Argüelles: "I declare today what I always have at heart: Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace of Lipa is worthy of belief." and here. Archbishop …More
In a homily at San Sebastian Cathedral, Archbishop Ramon Cabrera Argüelles: "I declare today what I always have at heart: Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace of Lipa is worthy of belief." and here.
Archbishop Ramon Cabrera Argüelles visited San Sebastián de Garabandal, Cantabria, Spain this month on 18-21 April 2024 and was the main celebrant of the Holy Mass twice during his pilgrimage. It is believed that he is the very first Archbishop to visit Garabandal. He is yet another canceled bishop pressured to retire at 72 because of his defense of the Faith.
What I find so interesting is that "authorities" in the Vatican (which is currently under Masonic occupation) also dropped the hammer on another Marian Apparition where Our Lady was identified as “Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate” - the last and greatest Marian Dogma to be declared. The very point of Mariology that Jorge Bergoglio scoffed at in 2019 Pope calls idea of declaring Mary co-redemptrix ‘foolishness’ and then again in 2021 …More

Lipa Apparitions: "Not Supernatural"

In March, Tucho Fernández published a "long-hidden" 1951 Vatican decision declaring that the alleged 1948 apparition of the Virgin Mary in Lipa, Philippines, was "not supernatural". The phenomenon was …More
In March, Tucho Fernández published a "long-hidden" 1951 Vatican decision declaring that the alleged 1948 apparition of the Virgin Mary in Lipa, Philippines, was "not supernatural".
The phenomenon was called 'Our Lady of the Mediatrix of All Graces' (below). Maria allegedly appeared to a 21-year-old Carmelite postulant named Sister Teresita Castillo (pictured) in Lipa City for 15 days beginning on 12 September 1948.
In a statement accompanying the publication of the decree, Tucho Fernández added that in 1951 the superior of the Lipa convent "confessed to having deceived the faithful about the alleged apparitions" and apologised.
Tucho Fernández issued the decree after an exorcist, Father Winston Cabading OP, was accused before the Philippine judiciary of "hurting religious feelings" after criticising the Lipa apparition. The prosecutor dismissed the case for lack of evidence.
Unrelated to the case, Tucho Fernández told (23 April) that he is finalising a new document on …More
‘Pope’ Francis’ Consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Mike, here is Fr. Kramer video i saw two years ago regarding Lipa.More
‘Pope’ Francis’ Consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
Mike, here is Fr. Kramer video i saw two years ago regarding Lipa.
Live Mike
@samtheman Thanks for the link. First time I ever heard of it. Interesting.
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Live Mike shares from Chris Muniee

Have You Ever Read Windswept House by Malachi Martin?

It's a thrilling read, and there's more to it than just the Luciferian Enthronement. I've put together a deep dive into the book's most important themes, including papal resignation and complicit clergy …More
It's a thrilling read, and there's more to it than just the Luciferian Enthronement. I've put together a deep dive into the book's most important themes, including papal resignation and complicit clergy. Enjoy.
Ann Smith
Read it. Not surprising of what we have witnessed today, and I'm sure it's alot worse.
Maria delos Angeles
I might go so far as to say he was guiding me actually, from heaven, as if to alight on when I was going in the right direction, sort of thing, with …More
I might go so far as to say he was guiding me actually, from heaven, as if to alight on when I was going in the right direction, sort of thing, with its attendant quickening effect, though there will be some on here who will accuse me Joan of Arc style for hearing 'voices', but I pay no heed. You know sth by its fruits at the end of the day..
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Live Mike shares from Live Mike
World Enslavement or Peace... It's up to the Vicar of Christ, the validly elected, legitimate successor of St. Peter, the Pope
The Choice: The Consecration of Russia or The Annihilation of Nations, Fr. Nicholas Gruner, The Last Chance for World Peace Conference, Tuy, Spain, October 2006
English Catholic
For those unacquainted with the message of Tuy (part of the Fatima message): The Apparition at Tuy (1929) | The Fatima Center and Apparition at Tuy …More
For those unacquainted with the message of Tuy (part of the Fatima message): The Apparition at Tuy (1929) | The Fatima Center and Apparition at Tuy and the Lateran Treaty | The Fatima Center
Francis must acknowledge he is the 'vicar of Christ'. A past yearbook didn't include this title but stresses his identity as “the bishop of Rome.”
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